Salmon Smolt Sculpture...


        Completed on the 21st October as part of the Kinlochleven Sculpture Trail in the Highlands of Scotland.

        Commissioned by the Lochaber fisheries trust to represent the ‘smolt’ stage of the salmons life cycle. This is the stage when salmon leave rivers to start their ocean lives. Salmon change their colours at this time, from river camouflage to silver and form shoals to enter the sea.

        The sculpture was given a specific site on the river bank, placed subtly amongst the trees with a fantastic backdrop of mountains and the river, so that they seem to be swimming in the water. They are a feature to be found and discovered, however when seen from the opposite bank and the fish weather vane, they catch the sun, flashing silver and bright...

        Kinlochleven is also strongly associated with the aluminium industry. Considering the fish are made from aluminium this gives the sculpture even greater aptness.


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Kinlochleven Sculpture Trail...